The Eastern Naval Command Inter-Agency Seminar 2024!

The Eastern Naval Command, led by the Flag Officer Commanding Eastern Naval Command, Rear Admiral SA Akinwande, organized a one-day Inter-Agency Seminar on Tuesday, 25 June 2024; at the Nigerian Navy Primary School Auditorium, Ikot Ansa, Calabar. The objective of the Seminar was to bring together various security agencies to foster collaboration, share best practices and explore innovative solutions to common challenges especially at the tactical level. The Theme of the Seminar was “STRENGTHENING INTER-AGENCY COOPERATION AMONGST SECURITY AGENCIES AT THE TACTICAL LEVEL: A PANACEA FOR OPERATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS”. Accordingly, the Seminar was conducted successfully with a large turnout by sister services, security agencies and paramilitary agencies in the Calabar area.

It is now apparent that inter-agency strife & rivalry may well be a thing of the past in Eastern Naval Command area of responsibility. #InterAgencyCooperation #NigerianNavy #OnwardTogether


Commissioning Ceremony of the new site of the relocated Headquarters Naval Training Command (NAVTRAC) in Ebubu community of Eleme LGA, Rivers State on Friday 26 April 2024

The Executive Governor of Rivers State, His Excellency Siminalayi Fubara was the Special Guest of Honor at the commissioning ceremony of the new site of the relocated Headquarters Naval Training Command (NAVTRAC) in Ebubu community of Eleme LGA, Rivers State on Friday 26 April 2024. According to the Chief of the Naval Staff (CNS), Vice Admiral EI Ogalla, the relocation marks a significant strategic move by the Nigerian Navy, underscoring the importance of having the HQ NAVTRAC in the riverine environment that Rivers State provides.

Additionally, the CNS also commissioned the Rear Admiral MAB ELEGBEDE Hall situated inside HQ NAVTRAC after the Governor unveiled the commissioning marble for the command. Also in attendance was Honorable Babajimi Benson who represented the Speaker of the House of Representatives. #OnwardTogether


Eastern Naval Command 2024 Intra-Command Volleyball Competition!

The Opening Ceremony of Eastern Naval Command 2024 Intra-Command Volleyball Competition held on Wednesday 28 February 2024 at Nigerian Navy Ship VICTORY Volleyball Court. The Commandant Naval War College Nigeria was the Special Guest of Honour with other dignitaries from sister services and security and para-military agencies in attendance. The closing ceremony took place on Saturday 2 March, 2024. #OnwardTogether


Nigerian Navy Appoints New Director of Information

The new spokesman of the Nigerian Navy (NN), Cdre Ayo Olugbode, on Thursday in Abuja, took over from his predecessor, Navy Capt Suleman Dahun. Cdre Olugbode while taking over from Dahun, promised to consolidate on the good work of his predecessor in taking the service to greater heights. He urged the personnel under the Directorate of Information to support him the way they supported their former boss to ensure the success of the directorate.

Until his appointment, Cdre Olugbode was the Assistant Director, Civil/Military Relations, Naval Headquarters. He had also held office as Defence Adviser, Nigeria High Commission, India, with concurrent accreditation to Bangladesh, Nepal, South Korea, Singapore and Sri-Lanka. The new spokesman was sometime the Executive Officer, NN Ship OBULA. Meanwhile, the outgoing spokesman has thanked the navy for the opportunity given to him to serve and said his tenure was very eventful due to hardwork and cooperation of the personnel.



The Nigerian Navy will on Saturday 11 November 2017 launch 20 new patrol boats at NNS DELTA, Warri-Delta State. These comprise of 16 locally built Epenal boats and 4 Rigid Hull Inflatable boats imported from South Africa.

The induction of the boats is part of the key priorities in the Chief of the Naval Staff Strategic Directives for 2017, which is aimed at boosting Nigerian Navy operations. Accordingly, the service deeply appreciates the support of the President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, President Muhammadu Buhari towards the recapitalization efforts of the Nigerian Navy.

The newly acquired patrol boats are expected to be deployed to boost the Navy’s ongoing operations in tackling maritime crimes, particularly crude oil theft, illegal refining of crude oil and other unwholesome security threats in the maritime domain.

Furthermore, the Nigerian Navy wishes to use this medium to assure all legitimate stakeholders operating in the maritime environment of the readiness of the service to provide efficient security for unhindered socio-economic activities towards national prosperity.